Falling Leaves and Your Pool: A Seasonal Challenge

As the warm poolside months begin their seasonal end, there's no denying the reality that is to come for pool owners: leaves!

If you're a seasoned pool owner and have any trees in your backyard, you're surely familiar with the impending battle against nature you're about to face. But the good news is, with some small efforts and proactive measures, you can aid in the fight against the fall, and still enjoy a beautiful oasis right in your backyard.

How to Win the Battle Against Leaves

While it might seem like a never-ending struggle, there are a few small-yet-effective steps homeowners can take to keep their pools leaf-free and looking beautiful. They may seem simple, but they work. Pool maintenance doesn't have to be a drag; it's just like exercise! A little bit on a consistent basis goes a long way. So let's dive into it!

  1. Empty Your Skimmer Baskets

    Your pool's skimmer baskets are the first line of defense against falling leaves and debris. Although it's important year-round to regularly check your baskets, the necessity becomes even greater in the Fall season. On the worst days, you can expect to empty each basket twice in the same day. While this may seem like a drag, it's better to do an extra 5 minutes worth of work than let all that organic matter sit in your pool like a leaf-stew creating algae.

  2. Run Your Polaris or Pool Cleaner

    If you have a Polaris or automatic pool cleaner, make sure it's in good working condition. These little fellow (typically named "Sharkie") can do wonders in keeping your pool's surface free from leaves and debris. Running them frequently during the fall season can significantly reduce the amount of manual cleaning you'll need to do. In addition, it makes your pool maintenance more effective by adding an additional "brushing" to the pool and allowing your drain to intake that debris.

  3. Clean Your Filter

    In a typical year, a pool filter should be cleaned twice at minimum. While it may seem hard to justify the extra labor or cost, the reality is that a dirty filter will almost completely nullify the effects of your brushing or maintenance, and it only gets worse in the fall season. Imagine never cleaning your dryer's lint trap and wondering why it's not working properly. That's a dirty pool filter.

  4. Netting Leaves

    If all the above bases are covered and you still find a copious amount of leaves at the bottom of your pool, it might be worth it to pick up a pole & net and scoop some leaves from the bottom. If you can’t find the time to do that, we understand - just know that every little bit counts and we want you to be fully aware of all the possible ways to help keep it clean.

Pool Leaves Fall

Protecting Your Equipment

While leaves and other debris in your pool can contribute to the growth of algae, it's not just your pool's aesthetics that are at stake when leaves accumulate - it’s your equipment, too. As mentioned in bullet 3 above, the debris can clog up your pool's filter, pump and plumbing, causing expensive damage to your equipment down the road. A clogged pump will lead to reduced water circulation, which will affect the overall health of your pool. Therefore, removing leaves doesn’t just bring aesthetic benefits, but brings financial ones too!

All in all, Fall may bring its fair share of leafy challenges, but with a little effort and proactive maintenance, it's not impossible to keep your pool looking great and working well. Regularly emptying skimmer baskets, using pool cleaners, and maintaining proper chemical balance are simple steps that can go a long way in preserving its beauty. These will not only protect your investment, but also ensure that your pool remains a source of enjoyment throughout the fall season rather than a constant point of stress.

And hey, if you need help, you're always welcome to reach out to us!


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